Halloween Candy Scrapbook Layouts
It seems to me that Halloween candy scrapbook layouts can fall into two categories - Halloween and "All About Me" - and my ideas on the topic are pretty simple...
Most of us went trick-or-treating when we were kids and we always had a favorite candy or at least a favorite type - fruity, chocolate, etc.
So, why not create a scrapbook layout featuring your favorite Halloween candy?
Halloween Candy Scrapbook Layout Ideas

Type of Candy - If you're like me, you don't really have a "favorite" candy, but you like a certain type of candy. Be it sweet, sour, chewy or chocolatey, it's the type of Halloween candy that you always hoped would fill a majority of your goodie bag.
In this instance, the easiest thing to do is to get a bowl and fill it with your favorite candy. If the candy is small, you can do like I did in this layout and unwrap the candy, or if you love mini-candy bars, you can fill the bowl with all of the different types.
NOTE: If lollipops are your thing, you may just want to tie several together with a ribbon, or...stick some florist foam in the bottom of a bowl, fill it with a variety of Halloween candy and then push the lollipops into the foam, so they stand out above the rest of the candy.
Once you're happy with your display, take a variety of pictures of the candy. Try different angles, lighting, etc. and then pick the best one to use in your Halloween candy scrapbook layout.

Nothing Like the Original - Now, if you're like my husband, he has a definite favorite candy - Reese's Peanut Butter Cups - but like quite a few candies out there, these have gone through quite a transformation over the years. It's not just the peanut butter cups anymore, there are white chocolate cups, Reese sticks and a variety of other candy bars with the "Reese's" name, but no matter how many spin-offs there are, he always goes back to the original.
Do you have a favorite like this? If you do, you could create a Halloween candy scrapbook layout that features your favorite, along with all of the "spin-offs" that have occurred over the years.
Journaling Questions for your Halloween Candy Scrapbook Layouts
Now, you can't have pictures without a little bit of a story, so here are some questions to help get you thinking about what you can journal about on your layout.
Why is this your favorite candy?
Has this candy always been your favorite?
Is this candy hard to find? NOTE:Unfortunately, not all the candies that we loved in our childhood are still in wide circulation (e.g., Charleston Chew). You may think about discussing this candy's popularity when you were a kid.
If there are a lot of spin-offs to your favorite, have you tried them? Do you like them? Are there any that you feel are real misses? (Specific to "Nothing Like the Original" layout)
Color Ideas for your Halloween Candy Scrapbook Layouts
From my point of view, the color of the paper, embellishments, etc. should mimic the candy (in color and texture). For example:
Use pastels and chalks for Smarties or SweetTarts
Browns and oranges for chocolates and anything in the "Reese's" family
If you're a fan of Blow Pops, use white (for the wrapper), pink (for the gum) and the color of your favorite flavor (green - apple, blue - raspberry, etc.).
Happy Scrapping!!